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CIAA - TBSC Covid-19 Safety Guidance Plans


The Cayman Islands Athletics Association is committed to the health and safety of its athletes, coaches and members. The Government regulations should always be adhered to when returning to any form of training and it is the responsibility of all members, affiliates, athletes and coaches to abide by the policies and procedures designated to ensure a safe environment for all.

By following these guidelines, athletes and their families will be able to make informed decisions as to when they will return to training and eventually competition.

Review Restrictions

Information and guidelines are constantly changing so please continue to review the following:-

  • The CIAA & The Department of Sports reopening guidelines.
  • Any policies and requirements imposed by the CIAA
  • Guidelines on numbers of people allowed in the facility at one time and physical distancing requirements..

General Overview and Recommendations for all members

The following individuals should NOT attend practice or training venues:-

  • Any person experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, or shortness of breath). If these symptoms begin while at a training venue the individual must leave immediately and contact their physician for further management. The individual must also inform their club and/or personal coach. This person must receive clearance by their physician before returning to training and the training venue
  • Any person who receives a diagnosis of COVID-19 must comply with the current mandated self-isolation policy
  • Any person who has been told to self-isolate at home
  • Any person who lives in a home or has been in close contact with someone with symptoms of COVID-19
  • Any person who lives in a home or has been in close contact with someone who has been told to self-isolate at home
  • Any person who has arrived in Cayman from outside of the country within the last 14 days as they are mandated to self-isolate and monitor for symptoms for 14 days upon their arrival

Minor Athletes (under 18 years of age)

  • Coaches must ensure they have the permission/agreement of the responsible parent or guardian of an athlete who is under the age of 18 to coach that athlete
  • All guidance applicable to coaches and athletes in this document is relevant to minor athletes
  • Groups of athletes which have participants that may have difficulty maintaining physical distancing, or adhering to guidelines, due to the following but not limited to behavioural issues, self-control limitations, or proper awareness, etc. should take appropriate measures and precautions (ie training of coaches and athletes before a session is to begin, training of coaches on the proper use of PPE including masks, setting up physical space with pylons, cones, taped or marked/painted barriers etc.)

Setting up a Safe Training Environment – Recommendations for Clubs, Facilities and Coaches

  • Communication with all club members and/or facility users of any training restrictions, regulations and recommendations
  • Listen to feedback from athletes or parents about issues with training protocols. Ensuring that the athletes feel comfortable in their training spaces and confident when coming forward with concerns
  • Implement a process for routine daily symptom screening for all coaches and athletes (i.e. checking temperatures)
  • Implement an attendance process at every practice to help with tracking, tracing and quarantining if a case is discovered after the fact (this should include all coaches, athletes, parents, club personnel etc.)
  • Maintain consistent training groups. Keeping the same week after week can help mitigate transmission
  • Total size of gatherings, inclusive of all athletes, coaches, parents, club personnel to be limited to the number advised by the authorities. As we transition be cautious to not jump to these maximum numbers too quickly
  • Ensure physical distancing and hygiene measures are being implemented and upheld
      • Educate coaches & athletes on hygiene and sanitation and its impact
      • Clubs must set training schedules accordingly that will allow for the club to meet all limits imposed on the group size and to avoid congregating ofathletes & coaches (stagger training start times and/or training group locations within facilities)
      • Work with club and facility staff to adjust training plans as needed
  • Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (ie. between uses and before and after training sessions)
  • Ensure that wash stations or hand sanitizer stations are available
  • All equipment must be cleaned and disinfected after each use (ie. Starting blocks, throwing equipment, hurdles, medicine balls etc.)
  • Keep frequently used doors open where appropriate to avoid recurrent contamination of doorknobs and high touch points
  • Coaches/individuals cleaning any equipment must be given PPE – gloves and masks and wash their hands often


  • Clubs and/or unattached coaches are recommended to ensure that facilities have setschedules that allow for sports to meet mandates for physical distancing and proper hygiene
  • Clubs and/or unattached coaches are recommended to ensure that facilities have posted appropriate signage outside the entrance to the facility
  • Clubs and/or unattached coaches are recommended as much as possible to hold training in outdoor venues
  • Clubs and/or unattached coaches are recommended to ensure the facilities are conducting frequent cleaning throughout the day
  • Athletes should arrive at their scheduled time for training and leave as soon as it is completed
  • Ensure that all equipment is cleaned before and after use
  • High Jump and Pole Vault beds and sand pits are NOT to be used at this point in time


  • Have alternate home workout plans available for those that stay home if they feel unwell
  • Ensure that all athletes that report symptoms are following up with their physician for a medical assessment. Athletes should be advised to seek clearance from their physician before returning to strenuous exercise
  • Remind athletes that their health and safety and those around them are of the utmost importance
  • Plan to have smaller training groups
  • Avoid having athletes change training groups from day to day or week to week other than multi-eventers
  • Track attendance. Note who showed up to practice and when your practice occurred
  • As much as possible, try to use booking spaces as it will be difficult to control the numbers in public spaces
  • If sharing personal training equipment like starting blocks, med balls etc. ensure proper cleaning is done before the athletes use them
  • It is highly recommended that coaches use PPE as often as possible especially if they will be working with multiple training groups
  • PPE should be worn in the event of an athlete injury and the coach will need to attend to the injury
  • The minimum PPE should be a mask

Operating in a New Training Environment – Recommendations for Athletes and Parents

  • Ensure personal contact information for all athletes is up to date
  • Athletes (and parents) ensure you are prepared and have a plan where injuries or other accidents occur
  • Recommend that parents not attend training sessions if possible
      • Those with younger children may attend training to ensure that their child is maintaining physical distancing and must remain in the stands, maintain social distancing, clean their area and groups stay within the required limit
      • If you do not feel comfortable with the current guidelines and risk mitigations do not send your child to training
  • Frequently sanitize or wash your hands before and after training session
  • Ensure you have enough food and hydration for the session
  • Be aware that changing facilities and toilets will likely not be open
  • All athletes should maintain 6ft. distance between each other if they are not in the same household
  • Do not touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
  • Do not shake hands or high five to celebrate or embrace
  • Do not share food, drinks, utensils, water bottles, towels etc.
  • Wherever possible, use your own equipment. Sharing any equipment with fellow athletes should be avoided
  • Clean any equipment before and after your training sessions
  • Do not train in a face mask

Event Specific Guidelines

Track (Sprints, Hurdles, Distance)

  • Prioritize other training areas (i.e. district tracks) if not training at the TBSC and make sure physical distancing can be maintained
  • Try keeping 1 lane apart when training on the track
  • Use staggered starts when doing intervals/repeats
  • Limit the use of equipment that cannot be thoroughly cleaned before another athlete can use it (no relay exchanging, weighted vests, etc.)
  • If hurdles are to be used, make sure 1 person is designated for set up/take down and all thoroughly cleaned before and after each session
  • If starting blocks are to be used, they should be used just by 1 athlete and thoroughly cleaned before and after each session
  • Do not train in a face mask


  • Practice physical distancing by keeping 6ft away from one another at all times Coaches and athletes should ensure all equipment is used by 1 athlete and then thoroughly cleaned before and after each session
  • Athletes should retrieve their own throwing implements
  • Personal aides like gloves, wrist straps, chalk, tape should not be shared between athletes
  • A coach or a specific individual should be appointed to using or moving equipment like toe boards, brooms, wrenches etc.
  • Coaches clearing any equipment should use gloves and wash their hands often
  • Do not train in a face mask


  • Practice physical distancing by keeping 6ft away from one another at all times
  • Long Jump & Triple Jump pits NOT to be used at this time due to implementation of clearing guidelines. Instead focus should be on technical drills
  • High Jump mats NOT to be used at this time due to implementation of cleaning guidelines. Instead focus should be on technical drills
  • Pole Vault mats NOT to be used at this time due to implementation of cleaning guidelines. Instead focus should be on technical drills
  • Coaches are encouraged to be creative around event specific drills and other activities to train athletes during this phase in preparation for when this equipment can be used in a later phase
  • Ensure there is only 1 athlete on the runway at a time
  • Use cones on the side of the runway to visually remind athletes of the distance that should be maintained while waiting to use the runway
  • Do not train in a face mask

Off Track Coaching and Leading including Road Running

  • Coaches and athletes running or training in a public space, other than a track and field facility, should adhere to all restrictions that may be placed on a public space
  • Coaches and athletes should ensure they carry out standard safety procedures (eg phones, route planning etc) when accessing open public spaces
  • Maintain physical distance 6ft if running in a group
  • Do not train in a face mask

Outbreak Action Plan

  • All athletes & coaches attending training sessions must be active members of theirclub and/or CIAA in good standing.
  • Clubs and unattached coaches are asked to keep record of the date of each training session held, along with listing of all athletes who attended the session. Unattached members are asked to keep record of the individuals they are training with
  • Any individual experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 listed below or who have been advised to self-isolate are not permitted to attend training.
  • Current symptoms that may suggest a COVID-19 infection include:-
      • Fever
      • Chills
      • Cough
      • Barking cough/croup
      • Shortness of breath
      • Sore throat
      • Difficulty swallowing
      • Runny nose
      • Congested nose
      • Loss of taste or smell
      • Pink Eye
      • Headache
      • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain
      • Muscle aches
      • Extreme tiredness
      • Falling down often
  • If symptoms begin while training the individual must leave immediately and contact their public health office for recommendations

World Athletics Covid-19 Protection Procedures:
January 2021

World Athletics Covid-19 Protection Procedures<br> January 2021

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